Users and Roles

Object Manager

Users and Roles

Object Manager Advanced requires that you specify the roles that users can perform in the add-on and provide the list of these users.


To define user roles, go to Administration > Roles. In the window that appears, enter the appropriate roles and their descriptions. Object Manager Advanced includes the Consultant and Developer sample roles.


To set up users, go to Administration > Users. In the window that appears, fill in the fields as follows:


Enter a code for the user.

Name, Initials, and E-mail

Enter the user’s name, initials, and e-mail, respectively.

Default Role

A user can have a default role. This is used when you insert a new project. The code of the active user is placed in the corresponding role on the project card.

My Objects Version List Filter

Users can specify filters that identify a specific set of objects.

Short User ID

Enter the Microsoft Dynamics NAV user ID corresponding to the current user.

Capitalized User ID

The capitalized user ID will be used in the object table’s ‘Locked by’ field.


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