Object Manager
Data Tools
Data Tools
The chapters below describe the feature set of Data Tools page.
Action Worksheet
Record Permission Wizard
Action Worksheet
You can perform actions in your own database, like filling fields, but you can also include them in a project so you can transport these actions to the customer database and execute them in there.
You can find the Action Worksheet in menu Data Tools or access it from the project- or transport card.
Table of Content:
Copy Data
Delete Data
Transfer Data
Fill Fields
Run Report, Codeunit
Rename Data
Renumber Object
Renumber Field
Execute SQL Query
Example SQL Query to Change Data
Example SQL Query to Add a View
Execute DOS Command
Execute PowerShell Command
Save Options
Action Types
Copy Data | Copy data between tables or companies |
Delete Data | Delete records in a table or empty fields |
Transfer Data | Transfer data between databases |
Fill Fields | Fill fields with values |
Run Report | Run a report |
Run Codeunit | Run a codeunit |
Rename Data | Renames data |
Renumber Object | Renumbers an object |
Renumber Field | Renumbers a field |
Execute SQL Query | Executes a SQL query |
Execute DOS Command | Executes a DOS command |
Execute PowerShell | Executes a PowerShell Script |
When you are using a customer license and you want to update data that is only allowed through indirect permissions you can enable the setting Use Indirect Permissions when executing actions.
Now it possible to modify data in tables like G/L Entry.
Copy Data
You can copy data in the same or another table or between two companies.
Copy the Customer Address to Address 2.
Select the fields that you want to copy.
Select the table where you want to copy the data to. In our case the same Customer table.
Click the assist-edit button of Into Fields to map the fields where you want to put the data in.
Press Start to get the result.
Delete Data
With this action type you can delete data from all records, filtered records and from specific fields. So if you have to delete a field from a table you can first empty it with this action type.
Transfer Data
Transfer data from one table to another table in another database.
Action Type Transfer Data
Fill in the Table No. were you want to transfer data from.
Press Export
The Object Manager Exports the action + data as a FAB file
Save the file
Open the Customer database
Open the Action Worksheet
Press Import and Open the FAB file
The Action is imported in the Action Import Worksheet
Press Start
Data from the development database is now in your Customer database
Fill Fields
Suppose you want to fill the Customer Price Group in the Customer table with value “PG001”.
Open Action Worksheet
Action Type Fill fields, “Object No.” 18 (Customer)
If you use multiple companies in NAV you can select All or a specific Company to perform the action on
Push the assist-edit button in field Fields
Select the “Customer Price Group” field by checking the Selected field
Fill in the field Value “PG001”, this is the value to fill
Return to the Worksheet and push Start. For all the Customers the Customer Price Group is filled with value “PG001”
Run Report, Codeunit
You can execute reports end codeunits.
Rename Data
With the rename data option you can rename data.
Renumber Object
The renumber object function can be used to give an object another number. All references to this object will not be changed. So if you are doing a renumber action in your development database it is preferred to do this with the renumber objects function. For more information see chapter Renumber Objects. If this renumber action is also needed in your customer database then it is possible to copy this renumber action to a specific project as Action Before with the function Copy to Project as Action Before.
Make the Actions Before before you start the renumbering.
Renumber Field
The renumber field function can be used to give a table field another number. All references to this object will not be changed. So if you are doing a renumber action in your development database it is preferred to do this with the renumber fields function. For more information see chapter Renumber Fields. If this renumber action is also needed in your customer database then it is possible to copy this renumber action to a specific project as Actions Before with the function Copy to Project as Action Before.
Make the Actions Before before you start the renumbering.
Execute SQL Query
You can execute a SQL query Press Edit SQL Query and make your query in your text editor.
When finished save the SQLQuery.txt file and press OK in the pending dialog.
The string COMPANYNAME will be replaced by the companies you have selected in the action.
Example SQL Query to Change Data
If you e.g. want to move the content of the address field to the address 2 field in the customer table you can use the following query.
UPDATE [COMPANYNAME$Customer] SET [Address 2] = [Address] WHERE [Address] <> ''; UPDATE [COMPANYNAME$Customer] SET [Address] = '';
Example SQL Query to Add a View
If you want to send a LinkedObject to your customer database you also want the corresponding view or table to be created in your customer SQL database.
You can do this by creating two actions of type “Execute SQL Query”. The first one is to remove the existing view.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[COMPANYNAME$No_ of Customers per Location]')) DROP VIEW [dbo].[COMPANYNAME$No_ of Customers per Location]
The second is to add the new view.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[COMPANYNAME$No_ of Customers per Location] AS SELECT [Location Code], COUNT(No_) AS [No_ of Customers] FROM dbo.[COMPANYNAME$Customer] GROUP BY [Location Code]
Execute DOS Command
You can execute a DOS Command as action. This can be useful if you need to start an application or script during or after an import. This can also be used to restart a NAS.
Execute PowerShell Command
You can execute a PowerShell script as action. This can be useful if you e.g need to import a license file and restart the service.
Save Options
DELETEALL; | With this option the table will first be emptied before the action is executed. |
INIT; | Every new record is first initialized before the action is executed. |
IF INSERT THEN; | If disabled, no new records will be created. |
IF MODIFY THEN; | If disabled, no existing records will be modified. |
Commit Type | Indicates how many times a commit is executed.
Record Permission Wizard
The “Record Permission Wizard” creates or modifies roles. You can add these permissions to a project and/or save them to your database.
Select Data Tools > Record Permission Wizard to start the wizard
You can also start the wizard from the Project CardCreate the Role Name or select an existing role
Describe the role
What do you want to do? You have 3 options:
Create new permission set
Modify existing permission set
New permission set based on existing
Press Next
Now the recording starts; you perform now every action on the object(s) the user is allowed for the role you created.
When ready recording press Next in the Wizard
Press Next to end the wizard and get the new role created or the existing role modified.
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IDYN 2024