Object Manager
Compress C/AL History
Backup and Restore
Administration Tasks
Compress C/AL History
After a while the C/AL history can be very big. To compress these tables you can use the option Compress C/AL History in the Administration menu. Administration > Compress C/AL History.
Check the options you want to keep and press Compress to delete all records that do not comply with one of the options. You can also enter a Date Filter to only compress the C/AL History that is older than e.g. a couple of months. If you choose the option Clear BLOB References, all compiled versions of the objects in the history will be deleted. After this, you cannot restore an object or do a rollback.
Backup and Restore
When you create a new development database (e.g. a new copy from the live database) you will have to transfer all your Object Manager data from the old development database to the new database. This can be done with the backup and restore functionality.
Check the modules you want to transfer and press Export. All data will be exported in dbk format. You can import this file in your new development database with the Import button.
Administration Tasks
Remove Object Manager from database
Check Settings
Export Settings
Check C/AL History
Delete all where used data
Add Trace Modification trigger
Remove Trace Modification trigger
Add Ask SQL trigger
Remove Ask SQL trigger
Add Block Database Conversion trigger
Remove Block Database Conversion trigger
Empty deleted fields and tables
Set Legacy Security Policy
Reset Legacy Security Policy
Activate Developer Role Center
IDYN 2024