ShipIT 365 Setup

ShipIT 365

ShipIT 365 Setup

The ShipIT Setup Page

After the wizard is completed you can check the settings in the ShipIT setup page .

in the Ribbon you have the following options :

Update Master Data:

If new configuration is deployed on the nShift Transsmart Portal you can retrieve the data with the Update Master Data function. For instance you have a new carrier or pakcage defined in nShift Transsmart.
This carrier information of package information must also exist in Business Central. This function will synchronize the Transmart data with your Business Central environment.

Verify Setup:

This function is showing the basics of the needed data. If one of the checkboxes is false it can be there is some setup needed.

Update Combinability IDs:

If the fields alwasy new transport order is false it’s possible to combine multiple deliveries/shipments into 1 transport orders.
This function helps you to update the ID’s for the relevant orders

Transport Order Clean-up:

This function will archive all transport orders with the status Done

IDYN 2024