Packages and content

ShipIT 365

Packages and content

If all settings are active you do now have the possibility to assign content to the created boxes.

Do not set default boxes unless wanted. If a default box is assigned the delivery note lines will automatically be assigned to this box.

Open the Transportorder
Go to the delivery note lines and look at the functions Divide content and Assign lines.
If needed, you can divide your content and create additional boxes.

Divide your Content if you have more than 1 item in the delivery note line which is shipped in an additional package.

If your delivery note lines are divided you can assign the lines to the correct package (type)
Witht assign lines you can assign the deliverynote lines to the box.

Assign you lines untill every line is assigned (see yes in the delivery note) and all package lines have an assigned line

When ready you can book your transport and your package will be posted as colli for your carrier.
Below a result in the nShift Transsmart portal:

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