ShipIT 365
Setup Wizard nShift Transsmart
Step 1: License key
Enter your ‘License Key Code’ in the License Key field.
Click Next.
Step 2: Provider, Credentials & Environment
If you are prompted with a list to select your preferred provider click Click Here
When your solution only supports nShift Transsmart continue with the following steps:
Enter your nShift Transsmart username in the nShift Transsmart User Name field.
Enter your nShift Transsmart password in the nShift Transsmart Password field.
Enter your account code in the nShift Transsmart Account Code field.
Enter the value ‘Acceptance’ in the nShift Transsmart Environment field for testing, choose ‘Production’ for real use.
Click Next.
Step 3: No. Series & Defaults
Create a new no. series for Transport Orders and mark it as ‘Default Nos’.
Enter the new no. series code in the Transport Order Nos. field.
Select the country code of the default country in the Default Ship-to Country field. (i.e. ‘NL’ when you are in the Netherlands).
Click Next.
Step 4: Defaults & Delivery
Click Next.
Step 5: Completed
Click Finish.
ShipIT is now ready for use.
IDYN 2024