Working with the Tasklet app

ShipIT 365

Working with the Tasklet app

The ShipIT app is also compatible with the Tasklet Factory Connector.

Check the ShipIT Setup. When the Tasklet App is enabled the Setting must be to work with Unposted documents. All automation for booking an printing is executed from the tasklet functionality.

Steps for this scenario.

  • Create a New sales Order.

  • Insert the requested delivery date

  • Check the following fields in the Shipping & Billing Fasttab. Insert if needed or set the defaults in the customer card. Or use the carrier selection function to get the best rate proposal.

  • Release the Sales Order

  • Create the Warehouse document

  • Create the Pick Document

At this point the warehouse document is available in the warehouse scanner for completion.

Perform the Pick and Register Process with the scanning device. You can also register a license plate and with extended packing app you can include packing stations.

The warehouse Shipment document is automatically triggered and posted when the user confirms the action in the scanner. The Transport order is created, Booked and Printed directly in most of the cases.

Before automating the process of direct booking and printing be sure that all needed data in the background is available and correctly populated. Otherwise the transport orders will not be booked correctly or will end in a booking error


After booking of the transportorder the ShipIT flow is finished and in most of the cases the business central process is also ended.



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