Transsmart working scenarios with unposted documents

ShipIT 365

Transsmart working scenarios with unposted documents

Depending on the setting in the ShipIt setup it's possible to define if you want to create your transport orders on unposted or posted documents.
Do you want to create your transport orders directly from unposted sources. Set this option to Unposted documents.

Now it is possible to create a the transport order from a sales order or a warehouse document which are not posted yet.

  • Create your sales order in Business central

  • Set a requested delivery date

  • Depending on your selected customer the customer card default settings on the shipment method, shipment agent and shipment agent service are inserted. If not select the shipping method, shpping agent and service in the sales order

  • Depending on your provider and settings a default package is inserted. If not select a package

After the steps are completed you can create your transportorder


f you are working with unposted documents the ShipiIT quantity Send and ShipIT quantity Sent are available on the sales line.

Via the process and create transport order your transport order is ready to be processed to your provider/carrier.

You can see the link to the transport order in the factbox. Also the ShipIT Quantity Send is now transferred to the ShipIT quantity Sent field.


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