
Object Manager


When developing the solutions you can assign a number of objects to a project. You can attach files and other information which is necessary for the consultant or developer involved in the project. You can also monitor the duration between modifications and status changes. Next to that you can assign actions to a project like removing data from tables.




Go to Administration > Object Manager Setup.

Project Nos. Format

This is the no. series format used when a new project is created.

Project Description

%1 will be replaced by the “Project No.”.You can use date expressions like: .

Default Project Type

For more information about Project Types see Project Type.

Role Shortcuts

Here you select the roles that are visible in your project card.



The e-mails sent in the project and transport module are sent by MS Outlook or via SMTP server. The SMTP Port can be customized and SSL settings can be provided as well.


Project Types

Here you can define different types of projects to differentiate for example between hotfixes and long term projects.

To define project types, go to Administration > Project Types.

Code and Description

Enter a code and a description for the project type.

Project Flow Code

Specify a project flow code for the project type.

Customer License

You can upload a license file to the project type. This makes it possible for the check guidelines to see if all objects are already added to the customer license.

Check Guidelines at Set Ready Project

Select this field to have the program perform guideline checks when projects of the current type reach a status of type Ready. You can choose between

  • Empty – No checks will be performed.

  • All Checks – All guidelines that are selected in the Guideline Setup will be performed.

  • Transport Checks – Only the guidelines that are selected as transport checks will be performed.

UID Offset

The starting number that new elements get when added with Navgate.

Project Tag Doc. Trigger

Define the project tag that will be added to the documentation trigger of objects assigned to projects of the current type. You can use date expressions and the following placeholders:

  • %1 for project number

  • %2 for active user’s initials

  • %3 for description of the modification

Modification Tag
Modification Start Tag
Modification End Tag

Similar to the Project Tag. These fields are used in the Navgate editor.

User Role 1..User Role 5

Specify the users that will be added by default if a new project is created. If more than five roles are needed you can add them with the Roles button in the ribbon.



Comment Types

Comment types help you organize comments for projects, transports, and branches. To define comment types, go to Administration > Comment Types. In the window that appears, enter lines for comment types by filling in the fields as follows:

Table Name

Choose whether the current comment type will apply to projects, transports or branches.

Code and Description

Enter a code and a description for the comment type.


Use this field to define the order of comment types if you set up several comment types for the same entity (project, transport, and branch).


Select this checkbox to indicate that users must leave comments of the current type before a project can be transported / transport performed.


Select this checkbox to include comments of the current type in the project or transport report.


Select this checkbox to include comments of the current type in transport files.

Add Comments

Use the “Comments” window to write down your comments using either the Text lines or an external editor by pressing “Edit in External Editor”. You can also send a comment pressing “Send” provided you entered a user with an associated e-mail address in the “To” field.



You can add files to a project. For example a customer license or an installation instruction. With the button Documents, you can add, overwrite and delete files that are of importance to the project.


Attach to Transport

  • Empty – File will not be transported.

  • As File – File will be saved in the transport folder as a separate file.

  • In FIB – The file is merged into the FIB file and imported in the customer database.


Project Flows


Project and transport statuses help you track the state of projects and transports. To define statuses, go to Administration > Status Setup. Object Manager Advanced includes the following sample statuses:

You can use the statuses provided, adjust them as necessary, or enter lines for new project and transport statuses by filling in the fields in the window as follows:

Table Name

Choose whether the current status will apply to projects or transports.

Code and Description

Enter a code and a description for the current status, respectively.


Select the type of status. The type corresponds to the state of the project or transport. Possible options are:

  • Blank – for new projects and transports.

  • Developing – for projects or transports in development. You can assign modifications to projects that have this status.

  • Ready – for completed projects and transports. You can add projects that have this status to a transport.


Select the color that will be used in the list views of projects and transports.

You need to set up a number of statuses that can be used in a sequence.
After you set up statuses, you will be able to use them to set up project and transport flows.


Project and transport flows help you set up the process of working with projects and transports. Using flows, you can define the sequence of statuses that a project or a transport passes, assign user roles to the appropriate statuses, and set up e-mail notifications for when the status is changed. To set up project and transport flows, go to Administration > Flows. Object Manager Advanced includes the following sample flows:


You can use these flows, modify them, or define new ones.

  • To edit a flow, double-click the needed line or click Edit in the ribbon.

  • To create a flow, click New in the ribbon.

Fill in the fields on the flow card as follows:

Table Name

Choose whether the current flow will apply to projects or transports.

Code and Description

Enter a code and a description for the current flow, respectively.

Default Status

Define the default status for the current flow.

Transport Status

Define the final (transporting) status for the current flow.

Status Setup

Enter lines for project or transport statuses that you want to include in the current flow.

Status Code

Enter the status code.


Specify the role that is responsible for the project or transport when it reaches this status.

Previous and Next Status

Enter the codes of statuses that precede and follow the current status, respectively.

Send E-Mail to Active User

Select this checkbox to send an e-mail notification to the project/transport active user when the current status is reached.

Send E-Mail to Roles

Specify additional roles to whom an e-mail notification will be sent when the current status is reached.

Block Project/Block Transport

Select this checkbox to block the project or transport when the current status is reached.


ssign Modifications

You can add multiple modifications to one project. Add, for example, a new field “Name 3” to the Customer table and add this field as a control to the Customer Card. Save these objects.


Go to Objects > Assign Modifications. Select the objects you want to assign. Choose the right Project and Press the button Assign.


Now the objects are assigned to the project. To see all modifications on a project, press Modifications in the Project ribbon.


On the* Modifications* page you can set duration from a chosen point. You can use this when you want to know how long you have worked on a particular project. This can be used when you have to fill in your hour registration at the end of the day.

Add Project Tags

It is possible to add a predefined string to the documentation trigger of an object. This can be done when you assign an object to a project or with a chosen set of objects in the project card. On the Project Type card you can set up the format of the string that has to be added to the objects. Default the Object Manager uses the following format:

<Year4><Month,2><Day,2> %1 %2: %3

You can see that it is possible to add date expressions and 3 aliases that will be replaced with the following.

  • %1: Project No.

  • %2: Initials of the active user

  • %3: Description of the modification

Press Add Project Tag and type a description.


The tag will be added to the objects that are assigned.


It is also possible to add a tag to selected objects in the project card.

Move Objects to another Project

With this function, you move objects to another project. And if there are any modifications present the Object Manager will ask to move them too. This is used when you assigned modifications to the wrong project.




When selecting Yes you also move all modifications of the object.

You can also move a particular modification to another project. To do this select the move option on the Modifications page.

On the Modifications page select the modification you want to move to another project. If there are no more modifications left in the original project you will get the following message.

If the object is not yet assigned in the other project you will get the following message.

Change Status of a Project

Project > Next Status or Previous Status to go back.


The status and active user of the project will be updated.

Reset Project Status

Sometimes you want to re-use a project. If e.g. you have to do some rework on a project. When you assign a modification to a project that is already transported, you normally get the warning:


You can get rid of this warning by using the Reset Status option at the project window. First remove the project from the transport. You can do this by clearing the Transport No. at the project page or deleting the project from the transport page.



You now see that the color of the project is grey. This means that the project is transported in this transport but currently not included in this transport.



Now it is possible to click the Reset Project option at the project card.



The Transported boolean is set to false for this project and it got the default status of the project flow. Because the Transport No. of the project is cleared it can be included in another transport.

Project History

On the page Status History, you have an overview of all the statuses that a project has gone through.


You can set the duration from a chosen point. You can use this when you want to know how long you have worked on a particular project. This can be used when you have to fill in your hour registration at the end of the day. In this example, you see that you have developed 34 minutes after the project was rejected.


Add Actions to a Project

Actions Before and Actions After

With this tool, you can add specific actions to a project that must be executed in the customer database. Actions will be executed before the objects are imported into the customer database. Actions are executed after the objects are imported.

Example of Action Before

  • When you delete a field from a table that is filled in the customer database you will get an error if you import the objects. You can use an action of type Delete Data to empty this field before the objects are imported.

  • If you want to convert some data before you import the objects in the customer database you can add an action of type Run Codeunit. When importing the transport it will first import that single codeunit, run it and then import the rest of the objects.



Example of Action After

  • When you have some master data that you want to import in the customer database you can add an action of the type Transfer Data.



    For more information about actions see chapter Action Worksheet

Add Permissions to a Project

When you have created some new objects it is required to alter the permissions in the customer database. This can be done by adding permissions to a project. These permissions will be written into the customer database when you transport the project.


The permissions can be recorded with a wizard.

Check Guidelines

You can check if the Guidelines are met for all the objects in the project.


If in the project type the* Check Guidelines at Set Ready Project* is enabled this will be done automatically when the status of the project is set to ready. If Check Guidelines is set on the project card you will not be able to transport the objects until all code in the objects are according to the guidelines or set to known.

Set Known Comments

With this function, you can set all comments to known that were already present in a point of time, for objects selected. If you choose Begin of Project only the Check Guidelines comments that were introduced since the beginning of the project have to be corrected.


For more information about Check Guidelines see chapter Check Guidelines.


Rollback Objects

To rollback object changes due to a project, press Rollback on the project card to open the Rollback Objects window.


All object modifications that were done since the project will be undone.

For more information, see chapter Rollback Objects.


Test Worksheet

You can add tests to a project for example to check if old functionality still works in the database after transport.


Planning Board

With the Planning Board you have an overview of the projects and their status.

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