ConnectIT 365

Release notes


Release Date

Available for


Release Date

Available for


BC15 and up


BC15 and up


BC15 and up


BC15 and up


Release date

Available for


Release date

Available for


BC15 and up

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

Import: Configuration Template can now be assigned to definition line number instead of field number, which also allows assigning the template to an unmapped line.

The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

Import: Fixed XML XPath error on finding primary key fields/external identifier.

Import: Fixed REST Endpoint Definition Lines - Add new line action was not visible/allowed.

Import: Fixed FTP filename length could cause overflow on Import Entry record.



Release date

Available for


Release date

Available for


BC15 and up

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

BC24 Ready.

Export: Allow empty content for JSON and XML. This can be used for webservice requests that require a POST or PUT without any request content.

Export: Filter in manual export is only updated if the temporary filter was changed.

Definition Line Management: Redesign for Move up/down actions to limit the amount of transactions to move the definition lines.

The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

Export: Fixed missing XML Namespaces on root Data Item node.

Export: Fixed repeating attributes for parent Helper nodes.

Export: Temporary filter in manual export ignored filters on empty values.

Definition Line Management: Fixed issue with rename on records related to moved definition line (functions, output conditions) that caused the findset to not properly loop through all related records. This behaviour caused related records to not move with the moved definition line when using the Move up/down actions.

Notifications: Fixed Windows event viewer errors when recalling notifications when the notification ID was not defined (Idyn App Management).



Release date

Available for


Release date

Available for


BC15 and up

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

Import: Additional checks during checks on external identifier to minimize reading and writing transactions on IDYC Imported Record table.

Intercompany: Import Entries will now have their own log entry, instead of the logging details being added to the log entry for the Export Entry.

OAuth2 Authorization: Custom grant flows now support form-urlencoded and form-data content for the token request.

Context sensitive help pages changed to Confluence pages.

New Beta Feature: New Key Links experience, which allows multiple instances of tables in import definitions.

New Beta Feature: New Filter experience, which allows usage of standard filter strings.

The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

Export: Functions were not executed for output from BLOB, Media and MediaSet fields.

Functions: GETCURRENTVALUE did not calculate FlowFields, resulting in an empty value.



Release date

Available for


Release date

Available for


BC15 and up

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

Export: Add Fields action also automatically cleans lines (with line renumbering) to make it easier to continue editing Definition Lines and still automatically determine parent line and indentation.

Export/Import: Added automatic page refresh after Functions, Filters and Output Conditions pages are closed and focus is returned to the Definition Lines to display the correct count.

OAuth2: Added scope and resource URL fields for client credentials and custom grant flows.

Logging: The IDYC Logging Helper codeunit now contains an additional parameter (clearlogentries_days=x) that can be used in the Job Queue Entries to clear logging older then a custom (defined with x) amount of days.

License and usage request moved/removed to decrease the amount of requests to the license server during the export/import process.

The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

Export: Fixed an issue where Output Conditions were not deleted when a Export Definition was deleted.

Export: Query Parameters (used for method REST Endpoint) are now included in the definition configuration export.

Import: Fixed an issue where filters on JSON arrays were linked to the incorrect Definition Line, causing the filters not to be checked.

Import: Fixed an issue with indenting when importing/copying a definition from a configuration file.

Functions: Fixed return value for CONTAINS function to properly return Yes/No as output.

OAuth2: Fixed an issue with request with formdata contact, added an additional empty line, causing some credentials not to be recognised.

Older release notes:

IDYN 2024