ConnectIT 365

Release notes 2021

Release xx.4.100100.0 November 2021 (BC15 and up)

  • Separate logging levels per definition.

  • Definition import improvement to also process XML namespaces.

  • Allow monitor of deletions with table monitor.

  • Allow realtime processing on export defintions.

  • SOAP improvements to processing WSDL import with headers.

  • SOAP allow usage of custom authorization headers from WSDL.

  • SOAP processing minOccurs and maxOccurs correctly in WSDL import.

  • Modified checks on editability of fields on import and export definition cards.

  • Additional check on error message max length when processing errors on import and export entries.

  • FTP and Azure Storage upload max file size extended in ConnectIT API.

Release xx.4.0.0 May 2021 (BC15 and up)

  • REST Endpoints: Create export and import definitions that serve as GET/POST/PUT and DELETE endpoints for external parties.

  • OAuth2, Client Credentials flow and Authorization Code (+ Refresh Token) flow are now both supported.
    - OAuth2 client Credentials is no longer available from the definition card directly. Related definitions now use the same
    - OAuth2 setup to prevent the process from requesting new tokens while the former token is still valid.

  • REST Export Definitions: PUT method added.

  • Task functionality extended with e-mail and run object functionalities.

  • In encrypted databases, tokens will be stored in the isolated storage without encryption in case the token is too long to store encrypted.

  • Export of JSON ignored the order of the definition lines. This is improved so order will be taken into account.

  • Several small fixes and enhancements in exporting CSV and Excel.

  • Manually processing of the export queue allowed for failed entries in case a job queue is active.

  • Import/Export entries from the list page.

  • Functions now move correctly with its parent when moving definition lines up or down.

Release xx.3.0.1 Januari 27th 2021

  • Show one notification instead of one for each queued record when adding records to the export queue from the list page action.

  • Fixed encoding bugs for export files.

  • Fixed wrong file format for creating definition lines from a xml file.

  • Improved code so new child lines below an existing parent line can be imported as well.

  • Fixed license check bug.

  • Fixed field exists fielderror bug.

Release xx.3.0.0 Januari 15th 2021

  • SOAP import and export based on WSDL documents

  • Export and Import of BLOBs and Media Sets
    - For import the data can be either a Base64 string, a DataURI or an URL.
    - For Media Set fields (i.e. the picture field in item records), when data is delivered as Base64 string, in most cases the below mime types are recognized:
    - When exporting data from BLOB fields this will be done as Base64 string. When exporting Media from Media Set fields, a choice can be made between Base64 string and DataURI.

*Note: Import and Export of Media fields (for example attachements) in not yet implemented.

  • Lay-out of import and export definition card page improved as well as user friendliness of definition lines.

  • Moving lines up and down is added, while indenting and outdenting is improved.

  • Open the definition from the export queue entry

  • Automatically add key fields when adding a data item line to the export definition lines

  • Factboxes added on import and export entry card page for more information on the definition and last error

  • Default encoding added for cases where BC does not recognize or accept the selected encoding

  • Added functions for conditional use of a value, for more info on these functions check Functions use of fieldvalue section).

  • Fixed CSV Import line break not recognized

  • Fixed orphaned definition lines when indenting or outdenting

  • Fixed incorrect parent after indenting or outdenting definition lines

  • Fixed CSV and Excel column numbers change after exporting and importing the definition

  • Fixed number of minutes in recurrency settings on definition is ignored



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