ConnectIT 365
Release notes
The following improvements have been implemented: |
Export/Import: New function tester to check input and output of functions used in export and import definitions. |
Export/Import: Added value lookup for filter values (enum/options). |
Export/Import: Added factbox for logging configuration on Export/Import Entry card pages. |
Export: XML options for XML DocType configuration. |
Import: MediaSet now allows the usage of Field Exists with value Update to overwrite the current Media instead of adding new Media to the set. |
Functions: New function RECORDCOUNT to return the processed record count. |
Functions: New function QUEUEEXPORT to add a record to the Export Queue. |
Functions: Function GETFIELDVALUE: Added support for multiple source fields (comma separated) to check for existing record. |
Functions: Function TRIGGERIMP: Add parameter to allow for direct processing before continuing the original import definition processing. |
The following issues have been resolved: |
Import/Export: Deletion of definition lines did not always delete related records (e.g. Function records). |
Export: Output conditions did not always check data types when comparing values. |
The following improvements have been implemented: |
SOAP: Process WSDL Documents with multi part operations and messages. |
Export: Process FlowFilter value as Text instead of actual field data type. |
Import: Return error for unreadable structured data (XML/JSON). |
The following issues have been resolved: |
Export: Export Table Monitor: Check beta feature status for new filter experience. |
Export: Export Table Monitor: Filter realtime exports with temporary table to filter on uncommitted records and changes. |
Import: Allow empty url/value for MediaSet fields (processing field is skipped). |
Functions: Filter function parameter field lookup on parent table. |
Functions: Function PARSEDECIMAL processes negative value, regardless of sign placement. |
Functions: Function GETNEXTLINENO returned error on certain code fields that are part of the primary key. |
OAuth2 Authorization: Retrieve OAuth2 record before retrieving token from custom flow to get updated/refreshed token. |
The following improvements have been implemented: |
Export: Allow value arrays directly on Data Item lines (Data Format JSON). |
Export: Added an additional key in the IDYC Export Queue Entry table for performance improvements on both export table/field monitoring and export queue processing. |
Functions: New functions ENCRYPTTEXT and DECRYPTTEXT to encrypt and decrypt strings. |
Functions: New functions GENERATEHASH and GENERATEHASHBASE64 to create hash values with support for multiple hash algorithms optionally using a key. |
Functions: New functions TRIM, TRIMSTART and TRIMEND to trim leading and or trailing characters. |
Functions: New function GETEXPORTSYSTEMIDS to retrieve System Ids from the Export Entry. Can be used in combination with processing rule to store the exported system ids when processing a (webservice) response with an import definition. |
Functions: Added additional parameter for function FORMAT to explicitly specify which data type to validate against. |
Functions: Renamed FORMATDECIMAL to PARSEDECIMAL and changed behaviour to handle function in AL (previously handled by the ConnectIT API). |
Functions: Changed behaviour for functions REST and AZUREFUNCTION to handle function in AL (previously handled by the ConnectIT API). This results in requests to the endpoint URI being sent directly instead of through a proxy/gateway service. |
Functions: Added lookup pages for parameters that are based on enums/options to select the option value (used for functions FORMAT, GENERATEHASH and GENERATEHASHBASE64) |
Logging: (Beta feature) Added option to choose between local/internal and API logging when beta feature is enabled. |
Logging: (Beta feature) Performance improvements for local/internal logging when beta feature is enabled. |
OAuth2: Custom grant flow: Added additional check on empty token in response when using an import definition (with temporary values). |
The following issues have been resolved: |
Export: Guid data type was skipped in export. Will now be processed as Text. |
Import: XML root element before first Data Item could not always find value in structure. |
Import: Excel import could result in error on Compatilibility Id. |
Filters: (Beta feature) DateTime filter tokens could result in incorrect filterstring. e.g. >=[ISODate] resulted in >=2024-10-31 00:00..2024-10-31 23:59. This will now result in correct filter >=2024-10-31 while still supporting date (range) filters on datetime fields. |
Filters: (Beta feature) Standard text tokens ME, USER and COMPANY were also checked without using %, resulting in incorrectly using the standard tokens for regular text values. This will now expect %ME, %USER or %COMPANY. |
Tasks: Manual numbering was not allowed, even when enabled on No. Series. |
The following improvements have been implemented: |
Export: New processing rule to store System IDs for exported records in Export Entry. |
Export: Re-Generate export content for failed Export Entries (requires processing rule to store System IDs). |
Import: Check external identifier on child nodes for structured data (JSON/XML) imports. |
Import: Retrieve XML element values before root data item node, which allows these values to be used in functions. |
Logging: Retrieve error information (including error message and callstack) for failed Export and Import Entries. |
Logging: Improvements in log readability by including references to tables, fields or definition lines. |
Backup: Include beta feature configuration in project and definition configuration exports. |
Events: Added additional integration events in export and import processes, including events for different methods and during generation of export content. |
The following issues have been resolved: |
Logging: Fixed invalid JsonToken issue during logging requests. While this did not result in errors in the export and import processes, this could result in incorrect error callstacks in the last known session error. |
Beta: Logging feature - Fixed issue that prevented usage for beta feature in some scenarios. |
Beta: Filter feature - Fixed issue with standard date variables/tokens (e.g. CM) that resulted in incorrect filter strings on date/time fields. |
The following improvements have been implemented: |
Import: Configuration Template can now be assigned to definition line number instead of field number, which also allows assigning the template to an unmapped line. |