Direct banking setup

Direct Banking

Direct banking setup

To start using Direct Banking, you will first have to provide some information and preferences on the setup card. If the wizard is completed correctly the information on this setup page is defaulted from the Ponto account.


On the Credentials tab you can check the License Key and the Ponto Credentials. After finishing the wizard these credentials are inserted and when correct already valid for use. If not valid, please check and update your license key and make sure the “Status” field shows a green “Valid”.

Be aware your license is checking the number of bank accounts active in your company. If the number of active bank accounts in business central is exceeding the license quantity of your subscription the license becomes invalid.

The license check will count all bank accounts in the same environment (production/copy company, test) will be part of the count. Please delete the license if this is active in other companies

On the PONTO part the following fields are important Client ID, Secret ID an Active Connection.

For the Cobase connection you will receive the credentials from the Cobase Account manager.



The General tab provide information about the used localization. If the Dutch telebanking is installed you can select the NL version. When installed your transactions will be reconciled and proposed in a bank/giro journal.
Otherwise the W1 or W1 BCB should be selected. Both option will provide the reconciliation journal or the bank application journal based on the separate setting.

The Payment Authorization Preference includes two options. Sign from Business Central or Sign in Ponto Portal.
When Sign from Business Central is selected the factbox will show the direct authorization link in Business Central and you can start the payment process within Business Central.

If the Sign in Ponto Portal is selected, you can check and confirm the payments in the Ponto portal.

Also, a Detailed Logging can be enabled in the General tab. If the sync with the bank is failing enable the logging to get some additional information.
Lookup the Direct Banking – Log List to check the communication log.

When the account or license is no longer valid the Revoke Authorization will disable the Ponto/Cobase connection. You can start this action if a new integration is created.

Account matching options

Skip Counterpart Ref. Search.:
If the majority of your customers do not have the IBAN number registered in the database you can enable the Boolean. The reconciliation process will not try to find IBAN after 1 attempt.

Skip Account No Search.
If the account number is not part of the remittance information you can enable this boolean. The account number of your customer will not be checked

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