Direct Banking
Technical release notes 2022
Release Direct Banking xx.4.1083.0 (October 2022)
Some banks seem to use the Duplicate End-to-End id in a improper manner.
It is now possible to disable the checks on duplicate End-to-End id's on the account cardThe setup wizard now keeps into account that users might not have the proper permissions to create job queue entries.
p(banner tip). When upgrading to version xx.2.3.1, Ponto credentials have to be re-entered on the Direct Banking Setup card. Not re-entering this information will cause an error during importing transactions, exporting payments or syncing bank accounts.
p(banner tip). When upgrading the base app (Direct Banking) from and older version to xx.2.3.2 or newer, you will need to do a manual transaction import (for each account). You will be prompted to choose a from date. Select the latest date possible, making sure there is still an small overlap with the latest already imported transactions. This a one time manual action.
For example: Your last transaction import before the upgrade was done on April 7th 2021. You are upgrading the app on April 8th. To make sure there will not be a gap in your transactions, select the "First Day Current Week" option (= April 5th). Transactions will never be imported twice.
Note that when no transactions were imported during this manual import action, you will need to perform this action manually again once there are transactions available for import.
Release Direct Banking xx.4.960.0 (September 2022)
The Bulk Payments functionality has been improved in the Belgium version, the matching of payments has been improved.
From BC17 and onward we have implemented a new app where Direct Banking is dependent on.
This app contains base functionality for Idyn.
This is also referred to as a library app.
For On-Prem installations the new app must be added to the licenses.
When upgrading to this new version, please ensure that you refresh your development – and customer licenses.
IDYN 2024