
Direct Banking


The Bank/Giro Journal has been extended with useful Factboxes to visualize the decisions made during the reconciliation process.

For every line in the journal, which represents one transaction, it’s visualized how many outstanding invoices were evaluated.
One can open the list of evaluated invoices and for every invoice (ledger entry) it’s shown how it was classified by the Direct Banking Matching:

The same information is also available when manually applying lines from the Bank/Giro journal.
First of all the matching action field, as shown in the image below, shows the reconciliation results for the current transaction.
One transaction can be matched with multiple entries, so multiple entries can have the status apply, propose or log (log means evaluated bij the reconciliation engine).

The Matching Action (Other) field shows if the same entries might have been applied or proposed to other transactions.
These transaction can be in the same batch, but also in other batches.
When the Matching Action (Other) is set to a different status then no action or log, then it means that this entry is already proposed or even applied to another transaction and therefore it’s likely that it shouldn’t be used for the current transaction.
However, while manually applying entries one can completely ignore all proposals and overrule them.
The fields don’t block you, however they are there to inform you of what the reconciliation engine decided.

This means that for every invoice one can see how it matched with the remittance information and what potential discrepancies there are between the outstanding amount of the invoice and the transaction amount.
From the pages to manually apply entries, one can also accept proposals, etc..

IDYN 2024