Matching insights

Direct Banking

Matching insights

The NL Matching relies on the Direct Banking Matching engine.
To visualize the decisions that were made in the reconciliation process, the Direct Banking Matching engine stores the results of the matching process in a log.

The NL Matching is optimized for bulk and background processing.
Meaning that it only applies entries that are certainly a match.
It will only propose entries that are likely to be a match, but have discrepancies on amounts. (this means we will only do a proposal if the amount is slightly different but other matching reference are applicable.
From the Bank/Giro book it is possible to review the proposals and to accept them.
When accepting these proposals the system will ask the users to take decisions on handling the remaining amounts, for instance on handling payment discounts.
It is better to have these questions while looking at the actual data and not during the reconciliation process itself, which ideally is run periodically and in an background session.

IDYN 2024