ConnectIT 365

Definition Lines (Export)

On the Export Definition card page, the Definition Lines can be configured. These lines are used to create the content of the export.






Specifies the line type. The following values are available:

  • Data Item

  • Helper

  • Field

  • Constant

  • Attribute Only used for data format XML

  • Namespace Declaration Only used for data format XML


Specifies the table number or field number, depending on the selected line type (Data Item or Field). Not used for other line types.


Specifies the caption of the table or field, depending on the selected line type.

Data Type

Specifies the data type of the field in the output. For fields this will default to the data type of the field in the table. For other fields this will default to Text. The following values are available:

  • Base64

  • BigInteger

  • Boolean

  • Code

  • DataURI

  • Date

  • DateFormula

  • DateTime

  • Decimal

  • Duration

  • Guid

  • Integer

  • Option

  • Text

  • Time

Namespace Prefix

Specifies which namespace prefix should be used for the tag. Used only for data format XML.

Element Name
/ Tag Name
/ Column No.

Specifies the name for the element/tag/column in the output message or file.

Constant Value

Specifies the value when using line type Constant.


Counts the number of functions used for the definition line. Click on the number to see the function list.


Counts the number of filters used for the definition line. Click on the number to see the filter list. Only used for line type Data Item to filter records in the table.

Key Field No.

Specifies the field in the parent table that is used to link the data items. This is the table relation between the tables used.


Specifies if the field should be included in the output, or should only be used during the creation of the message or file.

Output Conditions

Counts the number of output conditions used for the definition line. Click on the number to see the output condition list.


Specifies if the node should be considered an array. Used on line type Data Item to determine if a single record or a set of records should be used for the output message or file. Additionally for data format JSON used on line types Helper, Field and Constant to handle output as JSON array.

To add definition lines, in the first line select data item and select a table no. If you need a specific name in your export data, you might need to change the External Propery Name value.
If there can be more than one record in each export, check the Array box. Also check the Output box.
Beneath this data item line, add fields that belong to this data item.

When exporting data from two linked tables, for example a purchase header with its purchase lines, you will have to add all primary key fields to the definition.
For the child data item, in this case the purchase lines, in the Key Field No. column, select the parent’s field no it is connected to.
For example, the purchase line field ‘Document No.’ should be linked to Key Field No. ‘No.’ from the purchase header, and purchase line field ‘Document Type’ should be linked to key field no. ‘Document Type’ from the purchase header.

For each field you can decide whether it should be in the output or not. By default the output box is checked for each line you add to the definition.

IDYN 2024