ConnectIT 365

Release notes 2020

Release xx.2.4.0 November 10th 2020

  • Import of import and export defintions: obsolete fields will be skipped so they won’t cause an error anymore.

  • Added action to create export definition lines from a file (XML and JSON only).

  • Improved in/outdentation functionality for export definition lines.

  • Added default value for processing policy of new constant value lines in import definition lines.

  • Fixed bug in < and > filtering.

  • Fixed bug in import / export functions.

Release xx.2.3.0 October 30th 2020 (OnPrem Only)

  • Added new functions
    - URLVALUE: stores a value for later use in a REST URL.
    - TRIGGERIMP: Triggers another import.
    - GETNEXTLINENO: Gets the next line no. or next entry no.

  • Added option to add a field value from an exported record to the filename.

  • Added option to add date(time) (+ formula), timestamp, etc. to REST URL or filename.

  • Added export definition lines overview page for all data formats (was XML only).

  • Altered code so key fields can also be filled from code on the on insert trigger.
    - Note: In case of CSV and Excel currently only when the import has no parent/child structure.

  • Added missing tiles for open import/export entries to role center.

  • Improved export/import of export and import definitions.

  • Improved PARSEDATE function so it won’t cause an error when input is empty or NULL.

  • Temporary Value functionality is moved to single instance codeunit.
    Note: If you are using the temporary value table in your own code, please chnage your code accordingly as the values won’t be stored in this table anymore.

  • Added action to notification on Import definition card page, to open created entry directly.

  • Made key fields recognizable in dropdown field list (only BC16 and up).

  • Improvements on encoding to make it possible to create lines from UTF-x-BOM encoded XML files.

  • Added code so empty date(time) fieldvalues will be ignored.

  • Fixed invisible subpart on export definition when changing data format to CSV or Excel.

  • Fixed CSV/Exel import not throwing error in case of missing key.

Release xx.2.2.1 October 20th 2020

  • Fixed missing permissions in permission set.

Release xx.2.2.0 October 16th 2020’

  • Added confirm for deleting export definition lines that are part of the link between child and parent.

  • Added import filtering for Excel and CSV.

  • Import filters are no longer a separate tab on the import definition card page, but are moved to the definition lines.

  • Restructured monitoring and filtering for export > Filters are moved from the export field monitor to the definition lines and can now be set on all dataitems in the definition.

  • Applied filtering to example export records. Now no longer the first record found in the root table will be used for the example export, but the first record withing the filters as set in the export definition will be used for the example export.

  • Added custom authorization for REST POST (export).

  • Fixed validation of record driven boolean on import definitions.

  • Fixed incorrect style of newly added definition lines.

  • Fixed incorrect indentation for newly added export definition lines.

  • Fixed Record not closed issue for XML export.

  • Fixed missing attributes on root element for XML export.

  • Fixed default namespace handling for XML export.

  • Fixed “Helper” child handling for XML export, now the already opened parent record will be used in the helper.

Release xx.2.1.0 September 14th 2020

  • Added seperate functions for formatting dates and datetimes.

  • Improved error message handling for uploads via REST API.

  • Added custom authorization for REST GET (import).

  • Added import error log factbox on import definition card (for pre-import entry logging).

  • Added function (FORMATDTZ) to export the current datetime in any preferred format (base desired format on c# datetime formatting)

  • Improvements in user friendliness of export definiton lines (indentation, parent-child relations).

  • Added import filters for XML and JSON data.

  • Added error handling for empty XML tags.

  • Added a third parameter for CONCAT function, making it possible to add a separator between the two values.

  • Added a default value option for conversions. When a value is not present in the conversion table the default value will be used.

  • Added flattened and identifier based import and export for CSV, making it possible to work with a parent and child.

  • Improved (key) link lines for XML and JSON import definitions.

  • Added “Nothing Created” notification for manual import data from Import Definition Card.

  • Fixed import monitoring, now records can be added to queue or ignored for queuing.

Release xx.2.0.0 August 18th 2020

  • Added an overview page to check the stucture of an XML export definition more easily.

  • Added check on invalid characters in XML tag names.

  • Added “Time” as a possible field type.

  • Moved the OnAfterExecuteFunction event in order to make it reachable in all cases.

  • Fix in import encoding.

  • Fix in handling of “Helpers” in XML export.

  • Fix in updating export definition subform for Excel data.

  • Fix in example export result, result differed from the actual export result.

Release xx.1.0.0 June 2020

  • Added “Helper” functionality to JSON export, making it possible to add objects in an export object, without them being dataitems.

  • Added option to open the export queue from the “Record added to queue” notification.

  • Added action to open the export entry log directly from the export entry card.

  • Added Excel as a data type for both import and export.

  • Improved DateTime evaluation.

  • Added user comment field in import/export functions.

  • Moved import events to single codeunit (IDYC Import Events).

  • Moved export events to single codeunit (IDYC Export Events).

  • Renamed the setup wizard menu item from “Setup” to “Wizard”.

  • Fixed missing line no. for constant value lines in export of import definition.

  • Fixed dataitem not in output field handling for export definitions. Now functions on fields from a dataitem that is marked as not in output will be executed instead of ignored.

  • Fixed type evaluation for constant values.

  • Fixed new definition (import/export) being created outside the current page filter.

  • Fixed faulty automatically added xml element.

  • Fixed Help URL from Role center.

  • Fixed incorrect succes message during manually importing data. Now no “Succesfully created” message will be shown anymore in case nothing was created.

  • Fix in encoding of exported files.

  • Fix in scheduled import/export. Now starting and ending time from the recurrency tab on the definition card page will no longer be taken into account in case these fields are empty.

  • Fix in export events, “FieldValue” is now a var.

Release xx.0.0.1 May 2020
Initial release.

IDYN 2024