ConnectIT 365

Configuration (Export)

On the General tab, give the definition a recognizable description. Select the data format of the outgoing data and select the method that will be used.
Supported data formats currently are JSON, XML, CSV and Excel. Currently supported export methods are Manually, FTP, REST, Azure Storage, Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Grid and Dropbox.
Choose your desired encoding and optionally (and depending on the export method), change the file name template. Make sure you do not end up with a filename template that will generate the exact same file name over and over.

When the data format is CSV, on the CSV tab enter the delimiter used to separate fields. Also set Include CSV Header to true in case you want to add a header in your export data. Leave it to false in case you only want to add data lines in the export.

When the data format is Excel, on the Excel tab check the “Excel had Header” box in case you want to add a header line to you Excel file. Please keep in mind a header can only be added in case you have only one data item in you output OR if you have Flatten data selected.
Optionally you can provide a password to password protect the output file.

To add definition lines, in the first line select data item and select a table no. If you need a specific name in your export data, you might need to change the External Property Name value.
If there can be more than one record in each export, check the Array box. Also check the Output box.
Beneath this data item line, add fields that belong to this data item.

When exporting data from two linked tables, for example a purchase header with its purchase lines, you will have to add all primary key fields to the definition.
For the child data item, in this case the purchase lines, in the Key Field No. column, select the parent’s field no it is connected to.
For example, the purchase line field ‘Document No.’ should be linked to Key Field No. ‘No.’ from the purchase header, and purchase line field ‘Document Type’ should be linked to key field no. ‘Document Type’ from the purchase header.

For each field you can decide whether it should be in the output or not. By default the output box is checked for each line you add to the definition.

For more information about methods, other than REST and Azure Event Grid, please check the import section.
For more information about the export log, please check the import log.

IDYN 2024