
ShipIT 365


Frequently Asked Questions

Question not listed below? Please contact support@idyn.nl.

Why do I need a nShift Transsmart account?
ShipIT is the connection between your BC environment and nShift Transsmart, the carrier platform provided by nShift nShift Transsmart. Whereas nShift Transsmart connects with numerous carriers world wide.

How do I get a nShift Transsmart account?
To obtain a nShift Transsmart account, contact sales@idyn.nl.

Does ShipIT work with posted or unposted documents?
Both is possible, in the setup you can pick either one of these options. In addition to this, it is possible to automatically make Transport Orders when posting a source document.

We work with more than one label printer, how does ShipIT deal with that?
In the user setup, you can add nShift Transsmart Credentials per user. Depending on which user booked a the Transport Order, the printer associated with his/her account will used to print the label.

IDYN 2024