With a transport, you can transfer objects from your development database to the customer database. A transport can also include master data, and actions to run such as reports, permissions, and documents.
Transport Nos. Format | This is the no. series format used when a new transport is created. |
Transport Description | %1 will be replaced by the “Transport No.”. You can use date expressions like: |
Default Transport Type | The transport type that is used in new transports. |
Transport Import Folder | The folder that is checked when you want to automate your transports. |
Transport Archive Folder | The folder where transports are placed after they are automatically imported. |
At Importing Transport (group of fields) | Define actions that the program will perform when importing transports by placing checkboxes in the respective fields:
Transport Types
You can differentiate between transports by setting up different types. For example a support issue or hotfix or a release of a functionality. To define transport types, go to Administration
> Transport Types
Code and Description | Enter a code and a description for the transport type. |
Transport Flow Code | Specify a transport flow code for the transport type. |
Update Version List | Select this checkbox to have the program update the version list of objects in transports of the current type with an ID that you specify. |
Version List ID | Select a version list ID for objects in transports of the current type. Use the AssistEdit next to the field to browse version list IDs in the database. Alternatively, enter a string that will be used as the version list ID. |
New timestamp | Select the method that the program uses to fill the new date and time of when the objects will be transported. The following methods are available:
Check Guidelines before Trans. | Place check marks in these fields to have the program perform the corresponding action when performing transports of the current type. If you choose to block projects or block the transport at transporting, you will not be able to unblock projects or transport after transport is completed. |
User Role 1..User Role 5 | Specify users that will typically have roles in transports of the current type. If more than five roles are needed you can add them with the |
Export Path | Enter a path to the folder where transport files will be saved. |
Subfolder for Each Transport | Select this checkbox to have the program create subfolders for each transport of the current type. Otherwise, all transports will be saved in a single folder. |
Subfolder Name | If you choose to create subfolders, enter a subfolder name using date expressions and the following placeholders:
Include TXT-Objects in Transport | Select this checkbox if you want to add the source code of the objects to the transport. |
Create PDF File | Place check marks in these fields to have the program create the corresponding transport files:
Filename PDF File | Enter names for transport files that you choose to create. Similarly to filling in the Subfolder Name field, you can use date expressions and placeholders. |
Comments are similar to Comments in projects.
For more information see Comments.
Documents in transports are similar to Documents in projects.
For more information see chapter Documents.
Transport Flows
Transport Flows are similar to Flows in projects.
For more information see chapter Project Flows.
By default, a transport gets status type Ready. With this status type, you can only add projects that are ready.
If a transport has status type Empty or Developing you can add all projects. This can be used if you want to plan a future transport and add projects to it that are not yet ready.
Export Transport
Make a new Transport Card. Add projects to the transport.
By default only projects with status ready are visible in this overview. This prevents you from transporting projects that are not completely finished yet.
If you work with transport flows it can be possible that your transport has status type Empty or developing. With these two status types, it is possible to add all projects.
By clicking Transport
the Object Manager creates a new folder with the transport files. The modify flag of the objects will be removed.
By clicking the AssistEdit (Shift+F4) button of textbox Export Path you can surf to the folder location.
A FIB file is created in the folder as well as the transport report in PDF format and the attached documents of the projects.
In the Planning Board you can see that the status of the projects are now set to Transported.
You can modify the timestamp to the objects when you transport.
New Timestamp options
_Empty _- The timestamp of the objects will be the date and time of the last modification.
Moment of Transport – Timestamp will set to the time of transport.
Define – Specify the date and time.
Date of Transport – Timestamp will set to the time of transport with time 12:00.
*If you differ too much from the real transport date Source Control can act strangely. (See chapter – Source Control).
Overlapping Projects
When transporting projects you sometimes have the problem of overlapping projects. For example: you used table Item as well in project 1 as in project 2 and you want to transport only project 1. The Object Manager checks if the transport has overlapping projects.
You can check which objects cause the overlap with the function Show Overlapping Objects
The bold lines in this page are in the transport. Now you have four options:
Remove the modifications manually made in project P0003 and delete the object from project P0003.
Finish and include project P0003 in the transport.
Disable Check Overlap on the transport card if you know for sure that it would not give any complications in the customer database.
Disable Check Overlap on the transport card and choose a merge option as Object Import Mode. For more info see chapter Object Import Mode.
Pending Modifications
When you transport the objects, the Object Manager checks if there are modifications present that are not yet assigned to a project. This is to be sure that you did not forget any modifications. If you are sure that the pending modifications do not give any complications in your customer database you can disable the Check Pending Modifications option on the Transport card.
Import Transport
A transport (FIB file) can be imported in the customer database. Select Transports
> Import Transport
and select the FIB file you want to import. The Transport Import Wizard starts with all the steps that need to be executed.
When importing a FIB file into a database, that does not yet contain the projects and transport included in the FIB file, these projects and transport will be created in this database.
Object Import Mode
Importing objects in your customer database can be done in three different ways.
Objects are imported in compiled state. This is the recommended way of importing objects.
Text Merge
Your compare tool will open when you import the transport with the objects in text format and let you merge the changes.
The left side is the source code of the transport, the right side the source code of the objects present in your customer database.
Three Way Text Merge
Same as the Text Merge mode but the merge tool will show you three versions of the objects.
Left the source code as it was before you start working on the projects.
In the middle the source code of the objects present in your customer database.
On the right the source code with the modifications.
Confirm Changes at Import
The option* Confirm Changes at Importing Transport* in the setup will always open the Object Compare Sheet when importing a transport if objects are changed.
When your customer has changed one or more objects in the database you get a warning when you import a transport.
Opening the Object Compare Sheet gives you an overview of the changes the customer has made since the last transport. In the following screenshot you see that the customer has changed the customer table.
It is possible to analyze the changes with your compare tool or confirm the changes with the confirm button. All modifications have to be confirmed before you can import a transport.
*Set options “Save C/AL Before Import” and “Save C/AL After Import” on “If changed” or Yes.
Object Compare Sheet
To see what your customer has changed since the last transport you can open the Object Compare Sheet. Use the Open Transport File… option to compare the changes against a transport file. See chapter Confirm Changes at Importing Transport for more information.
Reset Project Status at Import
When you are developing in an environment with a development, test and live database and you want to transport your projects from the test database to the live database you can use the Reset Project Status at Importing Transport option in the setup.
When you import a transport you will see an extra option in the transport import wizard. All the projects that you import with a transport will have the default status of the project flow and the projects will be deleted from the transport. You can recognize this by the grey color in the transport. The field “Transport No.” is cleared on the project card therefore it is possible to include it in another transport.
*Use another Transport Nos. Format in your test database than in your development database.
Automate Transports
If you want to automatically update your customer databases with new transports you can periodically run codeunit 11102105 “OM – Check New Transport”. This codeunit checks is there are any transport files present in the folder you have entered in the Object Manager Setup.After the transport is imported the transport file is moved to the archive folder.
Rollback Objects
To Rollback object changes due to a transport, press Rollback on the transport card to open the Rollback Objects window, and then press Rollback to execute the rollback.For more information see chapter Rollback Objects.