Technical Release Notes 2021

ShipIT 365

Technical Release Notes 2021



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The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

The Transport Order Details Factbox on source documents (e.g. a sales order) was showing total values for all the existing transport orders,
when a transport order didn’t exist for the source document .

When using Batch Posting or when posting warehouse shipments a confirm to view the created or updated transport order was given for every order that was booked.
There is now one notification for all the transport orders that are created or updated when posting a batch.

Combining transport orders didn’t always work as expected when working with warehouse shipments.
Especially when the Shipping Agent or – Service is changed on the warehouse shipment.
The cause was that Business Central updates the Shipping Agent and – Service on the source documents without validation.
As a result, the Shipping Time on the source document does no longer reflect the actual shipping times for the selected carrier.

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

It is now possible to Create, Book and Print a transport order when shipping a source document (e.g., a sales order).
This has been implemented as a Beta feature, because the basic data needs to be accurate on the source documents for this process to work efficiently.
We therefore believe that this feature is not recommended for all customers.
Beta features can be enabled on the ShipIT Setup.
When enabling the Beta features additional options will be available in the After Posting options on the same page.
Beta features are pre-released features that in it’s current shape have limitations in the supported usage scenarios or they are new features that have not been fully tested.
Because of the nature of Beta features, we give limited support on them. Support tickets may be raised with suggestions and general feedback,
but issues will only be solved in newer versions of the product and not on a per customer basis.


Release Date


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

When posting sales invoices or purchase return orders an attempt was made to create a transport order.

The tracking information was not copied to the warehouse shipment from the source documents,
when Get Source Documents was performed on an existing Warehouse Shipment.

The light license didn’t accept the creation of transport orders when one carrier was used with multiple shipping agent services mapped.

The quantities on the transport order were not based on the quantities per unit of measure of the source documents (base quantities).

An error occurred on the sales order when the carrier select functionality had no shipping date available.

When the item description exceeds 64 characters an error occurred when creating a transport order.

When performing the Undo Shipment functions on posted documents, it is checked if transport orders exists.

The amount in the Delivery Note Lines of the transport order was based on the total amount of the source document line, while it’s supposed to be the unit price.

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

The Tracking Information from nShift Transsmart, like the tracking no. and the tracking URL are now updated on all source documents.
Previously the tracking information were only updated on the sales order and the sales shipment.

The Shipment Method Code is now also copied from the source documents to the warehouse shipment,
when all source document lines use the same Shipment Method.

It is now possible to setup a different behavior with regards to the creation of transport orders after posting sales return orders compared to sales orders.
Previously, there was only one setting (the “After Posting Sales Orders” field in the ShipIT Setup) which was also applied when handling sales return orders.

On the Item Unit of Measure a package type can be mapped. When items are sold a unit of measure with a package type setup,
then the required number of packages will be automatically added to transport order.

It’s now possible to select multiple transport orders in the transport order list and perform actions like booking, printing, synchronizing, etc… for multiple transport orders.

The notification or warning that is given when a transport order has been created after posting a source document can now be suppressed.
This is a setting in the ShipIT Setup (field Suppress Transport Order Created Notification)


Release Date


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

The shipment values on the transport order were not correctly calculated when transport orders were manually created from a posted document.
Or when the source document was deleted during the posting routine.
E.g., when the transport order was automatically created after completely shipping and invoicing a sales order.
The prices were either blank or they were not based on amounts including VAT.

The preferred delivery date was not correctly determined when creating a transport order from a sales return order.

Due to a translation issue in the French localization, the communication with nShift Transsmart was not working.

The Delivery Notes did not contain the right values when working with partial deliveries.

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

The Application Area “Location” is used for everything related to Transfer Orders.

The source document no. and the customer number are now included in the communication with nShift Transsmart.


Release Date


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

Splitting the address into a street and a house number was inefficient when numbers were used in the street name or when the house number had an addition (E.g., 1st Cross street 20 a)

Qty. to Send was not reset after creating a transport order from a posted document

When using multiple warehouse shipments for a single source line (e.g., a sales order line), then the process can give an error that the ShipIT Quantity to Send field exceeds the quantity.
This can happen during the creation of the shipment or when registering the pick (or changing Qty. to Ship manually).
The cause of this is that when the second warehouse shipment line is created the remaining quantity of the source line is set as the (total) quantity on the warehouse shipment line.
So, ShipIT Quantity to Send should not be compared against the quantities on the warehouse shipment line.
Instead, the quantities of the source document should be used.

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

When the creation of transport orders is setup to be part of the posting routine, then the entire transaction is reversed if an error occurs while creating the transport orders.
This means that it’s guaranteed that the transport order exists, even when the process was interrupted for instance due to locking.
Another advantage is that the issue causing an error message (E.g., missing address information) can be resolved on the unposted source document.
Before this change the transport order was missing and it could not be recreated afterwards, because that would result in the same error message.


Release Date


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

The automatically creation of transport orders based on transfer orders was not implemented when posting warehouse shipments.

The following improvements have been implemented:

The following improvements have been implemented:

The Sales Document is no longer reopened when a transport order is created from a sales shipment.

Delivery Notes are now created for all source documents.


Release Date


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

The following issues have been resolved:

The address information on the transport order was not populated after selecting a customer or vendor when manually creating a transport order.

Double transport order source lines were created when working with warehouse picks.

The ShipIT Quantity to Send was not initialized on a warehouse shipment.
Initialization is relevant when warehouse shipments are used, but warehouse picks are not.

After booking a transport order several fields (volume, weight and description) were cleared on the packages of the transport order.
As a consequence the total values on the transport order were also incorrect.

Due to a change in the nShift Transsmart portal the Open in Dashboard function on the Transport Order wasn’t working anymore.

The values on the Delivery Note Lines were incorrect when working with creating a transport order after a partial warehouse pick.

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