Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

nShift Ship changed the url for the api communication of their sandboxes.

A type cast error could occur when empty values are set on the Transsmart portal for the package dimensions.

When using Sendcloud in combination with the Mobile WMS integration the default package was not automatically assigned in all circumstances.

When using Sendcloud in combination with the Mobile WMS integration the default services were not set on created packages.

When changing the weight on a Mobile Device that weight was set as net weight, while gross weight is intended.

nShift Transsmart now enforces language codes in iso format, which means that they must be lowercase.

Updating the posted documents with the actual shipping agent and the tracking information has been limited and changed, because of locking issues.

The following improvements have been implemented:

It is now possible to indicate that packages that are created on sales documents (quotes or orders) should not be copied to transport orders.
The field is called “Don’t copy Sales Order Packages” and is available on the ShipIT Setup.

Several improvements have been implemented in the synchronization with nShift Transsmart:
The actual delivery dates of the shipments and individual packages are now retrieved, and also the weight determined by the carrier.
The tracking information and the actual carrier are not only retrieved when making a booking, but also during later synchronizations.

There are also improvements for retrieving documents and labels from nShift Transsmart:
It’s now possible to (re)print labels for individual packages and the pdf files on shipment level are stored as attachments on the Transport Orders.
The print of a transport order will generate a zip file with all the labels and the shipment documents, in the same way as documents are printed on the Transsmart portal.

Additional events have been added to the procedure that creates transport orders, making it easier to add customizations to the transport orders.
See this topic for more information.

New product videos have been included, you can view them from the ShipIT Manager Role Center.


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

The following error message could occur when creating a transport order:
“Transport Order Header does not exist. Id fields and values: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”.

When syncing basic data from Delivery Hub an error message could occur that the filtered text exceeded the maximum allowed length of the field (250 characters).


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

A duplicate provider setup record was created after renaming Delivery Hub to nShift Ship.

The license keys for the Easypost app wasn’t working correctly.


For a correct determination of the available services, a resync of the Basic Data with nShift Ship is required after updating to this version. The basic data can be synchronized from the nShift Ship Provider Setup page.

The following improvements have been implemented:

Support for Deny Countries in the nShift Ship basic data synchronization and filtering on available services based on ship-from and ship-to country.

Carrier Select is now available for nShift Ship.


Release Date



The following improvements have been implemented:

This is a minor release, with a small change required for internal purposes.
No runtime packages will be provided for this release


Release Date




The following improvements have been implemented:

The standard BC permission set to Read Basic data (D365BASIC) has been extended with the permissions to read the Setup and the Provider setup.

DeliveryHub has been renamed to nShift Ship and Transsmart to nShift Transsmart, reflecting the new names of these solutions by nShift.

The following issues have been resolved:

Manually creating a transport order from the card page failed when enabling a default package.

The batch Job to delete completed and outdated transport orders failed for transport orders with the status “DONE”.

An issue in the Package Details Factbox on the Transport Order Card occasionally resulted in an error that the record in the Transport Order Package table already existed.

The prices on the transport orders, like spotprice and costprice, were not cleared when reset or recalling a transport order.


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

When unexpected errors occur during the master data synchronization with Transsmart the returned error message was not returned.

Calculation of Qty. Sent on warehouse shipment lines mixed up returns and orders when the No. Series overlapped.

The calculated weight of a package was doubled in the communication to Transsmart.|

Precautions have been taken to prevent an error message on the status of the document when a (temporary) Sales Header is inserted in a released state.


Release Date



The following issues have been resolved:

It is now possible to configure default service levels (other), for the nShift - Ship provider.

Token refresh failed, when working with the Beta feature "Create and Book Transport Order(s)".

Retrieving the MD5Hash failed in the BC14 version

Precautions have been taken to prevent an error message on the status of the document when a (temporary) Sales Header is inserted in a released state.


Release Date



The following improvements have been implemented:

EasyPost has been added as a provider for ShipIT

The following improvements have been resolved:

An error could occur during the to the latest version on a non-unique IDYS Provider Carrier."Entry No".

The transport worksheet didn't propose sales orders.

Q1 2023


Release Date



The following improvements have been implemented:

It is now possible to indicate on a Shipment Method that transport orders are not required.

The following improvements have been resolved:

Non-inventory were not accepted on Source document when trying to set ShipIT quantity to Send.

Page view issue when creating a new sales order directly from the Customer Card.

When inserting a Sales Header a sub table is populated in ShipIT, this shouldn't occur when the Sales Header is a temporary record.

The total weight on the Transport Order wasn't directly updated when the quantities were changed.|

It was not possible to create a Transport Order without a default package when Linking Package Content was activated.

Ship: The labels were downloaded in the wrong format (as a PDF instead of a Zip).


Release Date



The following improvements have been resolved:

The ShipIT application is now available with Sendcloud embedded as a provider.

Carrier selection is available on the sales quote and sales return orders.

Adding freightcost with Carrier Selection is integrated to work with default business central service charge.

Default insert of the transsmart Costcenter is now active on transfer orders.

Debugging is allowed from BC19 and higher versions.


Release Date



The following improvements have been resolved:

The action to add additional packages to the transport order and sales order was hidden for several installations.

The creation of transport orders for sales return orders failed when Transport Orders were based on Posted Documents or when using WMS locations.


Release Date



The following improvements have been resolved:

Added an action to add additional packages to the transport order and sales order.


Release Date



The following improvements have been implemented:

When adding Freight charges to sales orders is enabled, the Service Account No. from the Customer Posting Group is now used on the sales line that is created. This allows users to setup different G/L Accounts for different Customer Posting Groups. It also solves the issue that the Freight G/L Account No. on the Sales & Receivable Setup is not visible by default.

The Shipment Method Code is no longer a required field for the creation of Transport Orders, except for Ship.

The calculation of the combinability hash key, which was used to determine if transport orders can be combined, is no longer using external API calls.

There is now a conversion factor for weight and volume for every provider. If the weight or volume on the item card or sales orders is registered in a different unit of measure, then the default user of measure of the provider (Transsmart/DeliveryHub/Sendcloud) the weight and volumes can be automatically converted using this conversion factor. Examples are lbs to kg (for Transsmart). Conversion factors can be set on the Provider specific Setup page.

The following improvements have been resolved:

The calculated package weight doubled, when the weight on a delivery note line was changed manually on a transport order.

When calculating the total weight of the transport order the actual weight was ignored.

A couple of obsolete pages were still visible from the context search menu.

From BC18 and lower versions it was not possible to select the Package Code on the Sales - and Transport Order

Creating delivery note lines linked to packages through the Transport Order API was causing issues.