Version 16.03 April 24, 2024
what’s new:
Windows + Web Client:
Handling of BC24 objects/
Breaking changes between BC23 and BC24 added/
Skips AL objects that have been moved to other extensions. (MoveTo property)
Bug fix: Sometimes, variables with subtypes in AL objects were not read correctly/
Web Client:
.NET Framework has been replaced with .NET Core BC22 and above.
Version 16.01 May 1, 2023
BC22 support
Field Extension No. was not always filled in project object table
Extension objects were not available when adding objects to a project
Wrong field name used in create table wizard
Better handling of pragma lines in reading AL objects
Converter Action add tooltips was not initialized
Where used ext. subpage OnAfterGetCurrRecord was getting in a loop in NAV2018
Version 16.00 December 20, 2022
what’s new:
Where used on field options
Expand to see where the line is used in the “Where Used In” list.
Show data model changes per transport
Include data model changes in transport
Add license file to a project or transport
When importing the transport the license file will be uploaded and you will be asked to restart the server
New field “Subfolder Name” on the Converter Card to group functionality per subfolder.
Renumber Objects, Renumber Fields and Update Variables
Setup table no. for viewing extension tables
New Editor in OMA365
BC21 Support
Execute Converter
Create XLIFF
Update MenuSuites
Version 15.04 May 2023
What’s New
BC20 support – Business Central 2022 Wave 1
New field “Subfolder Name” on C/AL to AL converter object.
Converter Action “Replace StringBuilder” is now converting to TextBuilder instead of the StringBuilder codeunit.
Better handling of comments in AL objects.
New commands and properties: InherentPermissions, ColumStoreIndex, IncludeFields, Multiple Report Layouts.
Action Management: If a table with the same name cannot be found the data is imported in the table with the same ID. Now transferring data to tables with a prefix is possible.
Better file handling in file tools. Zips can be up- and downloaded.
Protected tables cannot be opened in edit and run table and are now skipped.
Translation Tool: Name of parent element added to tooltip lines.
Bug fix: Stack overflow errors with big reports.
Version 15.01 April 16, 2021
New Object Type: ReportExtensions
Where Used: Complex Return Types
Check Guidelines: Warning added when a complete function is surrounded with a BEGIN and END
Check Guidelines: Warning added when a complete function is surrounded with a BEGIN and END
C/AL to AL Converter: Skip creating delta object when no modified elements found
C/AL to AL Converter: Remove complete trigger if the only line of code was an excluded object or a deleted function/object caused by a breaking change
AL Objects: Better handling of preprocessors
Repeating data conversion from older versions
Check Guidelines: Expected indentation was wrong in the else part of a case statement
Add Show Caption false to groups when converting C/AL to AL
Multiple bug fixes in Remove WITH
Syntax Tree
New Object Type: Interfaces
Guideline Check: Same := Same
Guideline Check: Double Case Statement
Guideline Check: Use of Obsolete Elements
Guideline Check: Variable Usage
Guideline Check: Check if a Tool Tip ends with a period
Where Used: Function Overloading
Converter Action: Add Tooltips
Converter Action: Remove WITH Statements
Converter Action: Add Rec.
Converter Action: Add Parentheses()
Im- and Export Xliff to Translation Tool
Run and Edit Table Data on Extension Tables
Version 14.01 April 9, 2020
Lock objects in Compare Database Page
Description fields of project, transport and branch extended to 250
The prefix was not added in properties Permissions and AccessByPermissions
The English name of system tables is used when converting objects to AL
Caption “XLIFF File” changed to “Remove Captions” on Converter card
Application Area was added to the request page instead of the report itself
Updating a report with empty RDLDATA was not possible
Better sample code in the company functions
Text in RDLDATA was sometimes seen as an object header
Handle new syntax format
Open finsql generatesymbolreference with ‘1’ instead of ‘yes’
Special characters in edit comment in external editor
Keep External properties for ExternalSQL tables
Entering object by name in project subpage disabled
Ignore wrong formatted date when parsing C/Al object
Renumber Objects: Wrong table was used when drilling down on “Used In”
Compiled version of objects was not saved when assigning modifications
Transport checks were only done for the last project in the transport
Check Guidelines: Error when adding space to the first position of a line
Check Guidelines: Error when analyzing empty TextConst
Multi Tenant parameters added in Compare Database
Extract Subscriber: Wrong parameter name in OnAfterValidateEvent
Object Updating: Wrong procedure updated with overloaded parameters
Repository: Do not export objects to ignore
Object Explorer: Get caption from AllObjWithCaption instead of Object
Create element guids when converting XMLPort from C/AL to Al
Split Backup and Restore was not working without shared path
Version 14.00 December 9, 2019
C/AL to AL Converters
New Database Type: Conversion
New Setting: Save Compiled Version
Check Guidelines: Hook your own company checks to the Check Guidelines
New Check Guideline: Check PromotedActionCategories
New Check Guideline: Check SumIndexField present
Where Used: Registration of system triggers if used
Where Used: If a table field is used as a by reference parameter (VAR) it is flagged as Filled
New action type “Execute PowerShell”